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Actress Amy Adams wearing Grishko Dream pointes
in red, for the new film The Red Shoes.
The Russian Olympic team in
2016 Champions Margarita Mamun

Beijing 2008 & London 2012

Eugenia Kanaeva, thanks Grishko for helping the team win the Olympics wearing the GRISHKO gymnastic half slippers, they wore Grishko slippers for both the team and the individual events.
Grishko gymnastic shoes come in both leather and canvas in low and high vamp and are also suitable for modern dance. Because they are high quality natural leather, are light with soft seams, hydroscopic under-sole of soft cotton makes the demi slippers really irreplaceable for success in all styles of gymnastics.
Grishko Ambassador Gisele Bethea performing in her Grishko Dream pointes
Model Winner Avery Gay wearing NOVA Flex.
