
Nineteen-year ADRIENNE CANTERINA enjoyed a rapid rise to fame. The Maryland resident was well-known as a brilliant technician and performer even before she won the junior gold medal at the 1998 USA International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. When asked about her pointe shoes she says “When I first went on pointe, my feet were so small that I just wore whatever fit my foot. At tht time I think I was about 10. And then, like most everyone else, I kept changing shoes until I found the one that worked. One day, when I was about 12, I tried Grishkos and they worked. I have never stopped wearing them. I am so happy with them that I have never even tried to wear another shoe.” “I love that they don’t have a drawstring, drawstrings make me crazy! I also can’t stand a round toe. so I love the flatness of the box, which accomodates my wide XXXX foot. In addition I love that they are really hard!” The design of a pointe shoe should make it easier to dance but, in the end, it’s the look that counts. “They just make my feet look the best.” says Caterina about her Grihkos. “I don’t have a good foot and whatever makes it look better is great. I don’t dance as well or am as comfortable in any other shoe.” You can’t ask for much more than that in the search for the perfect pointe shoe. |